5 Inspirational Images to Carry You Over the Weekend

Posted by uud on 9:57 PM

I just fell in love with this image.  What a way to make 
the outdoors like a fantastical and wonderful place! 

Dining outdoors under stringed lights and candles?  Can 
it possibly get any more beautiful and romantic?

The countryside in England and the Cotswolds are definitely not overrated.
Who can resist the gorgeous country side and quaint villages that come 
straight out of history?  Many of the wealthy and stars like Madonna have
homes in the Cotswolds.

What a wonderfully plush and feminine room.  Beautiful
lighting in the room with gorgeous hardwood floors.

Who can resist a bed in a nook?  Not I...  When I was young, I loved
building tents indoors to sleep in.  This bed in a nook is absolutely

Photos:  1.) Space For Inspiration via Just Splendid 2.) Everything Fabulous 
3.) Conde Naste Traveler 4.) Domino via Plush Palate 5.) House of Turquoise