Another Church Conversion ~ We Turned a Church Into a Home - Part II

Posted by uud on 2:10 AM

About 2 and a half weeks ago, I did a post on a church conversion that 
resulted in a fantastic discussion in the comments section.  It was really
 interesting to see the various opinions and takes on turning a type of 
building like a church that has held religious and symbolic meaning 
for many into a home.  

I managed to find another church conversion to showcase.  This one is 
noticeably more modern in it's architectural elements than the church in 
my previous post.  

Most older churches have impressive ceiling 
height and this building does not disappoint.

You can see from the renovations that an entire wall was taken out to be
 lined with floor to ceiling glass doors.  It makes the place very bright and 
airy. What a fantastic and open place to hang out in for a living room.

The space is used in a completely modern way with an open plan living 
space where the living room, dining room and kitchen are share the same 

In the corner is a wonderful grand piano with an ornate music sheet stand.

You can tell from this shot, the eaves under the slanted roof of the church.
White washing all of the walls really help give the space a further feeling of
airiness.  Check out the wacky modern floors.

Here's a close up of the kitchen area.

The side of the kitchen area has a fabulous diva-like fushcia chaise.

In this photo you can see just how the ceilings are in this building.

Here's a partitioned off area for a lounging area.

The way to the bathroom.

I love the trio of windows in the bathroom.

The same pattern of windows in a bedroom.  This bedroom looks
absolutely fantastic if I do say so myself.  It's a room that would
make me feel secure, comforted and safe.

A pink - more feminine bedroom.

The same bedroom from another angle.  The 
small bed and miniature chair are so cute.

Last but not least is the courtyard outside which is very tastefully done.  So 
what do you think of this conversion?  If any of you saw my earlier post, 
any different feelings this conversion evoke compared to the other one?  If
 you missed it, you can find the first church conversion post I did here.