David Carter Interior Design of London

Posted by uud on 12:10 AM

Some of you may remember the post I did a couple weeks
ago on the small boutique hotel by David Carter called
40 Winks. I really wanted to showcase a little more of
David's work and not just his boutique hotel and home.

David Carter has very diverse style. As you can see above,
the room looks like it has a lot of age to it. David has a
unique specialty in using paint finishes of all kinds. The
room above genuinely looks old but in fact, it is not.

Here's a closer look at the aged and distressed paint job
in the room to give it patina. Isn't it amazing?

David also has works a lot of traditional styles
that are a little updated by color - without
sacrificing the luxury and old world feel.

I quite like the contrasting striping in this kitchen.
I had to look at this photo twice to realize it was
a kitchen. I thought it had been an office of some
sort at first glance. One thing is for sure, he never
gives up elegance.

This room has a modern feel with the walls
looking like iron. It's quite a cool effect.

I totally want to steel the chair.
The green velvet is absolutely

David is very good at blending modern with
the old for an eclectic but unique and
luxurious look. I absolutely adore mirrored
tiles. He layers a large mirror on the mirrored
tiles with an impressive but heavy console
table. The light fixture is just stunning.

If I can ever afford this kind of mosaic
tiling for an entire wall, I would certainly

This is what the entire wall looks like. The left is a mirror
version of the right by the way. Makes a cool effect for
the photo. All those golden and glimmering tiles makes my
eyes twinkle just looking at the photo.

What did I say about David being a master of using paint
finishes on walls? Here's another fantastic example. Don't
forget the ceiling!

I heard it through the grape vine...

I really love the huge cellos painted on the walls
of this music room. It's whimsical yet not little

As you can see, David uses very saturated
and vivid colors. I totally fell in love with
this particular hue of blue.

A closer look at the wall murals.
Isn't it just gorgeous?

A totally Crimson room if I've ever seen one.

I hope you enjoyed more of David Carter's
designs and work. What do you think of
his use of paint finishes? Isn't it amazing
what you can do with just paints and a brush?
A cool paint job can totally transform a room,
make it look decades old or make flat walls
look like it's got architectural details.

Photos from David Carter Interior Design