Sugar Plum Fairies, Juicy Black Currants, and the Rich, Deep Color of...Why of course PLUM!

Posted by uud on 12:30 AM

As many of you know, purple is one of my favorite colors.
Purple is the color of royalty...of mystery...and of cassis
(black currant) macaroons ^_^

Of the many shades of purple, Plum is one that can be used
diversely. Plum is deep enough color to have depth. It can
easily be used as the main color in a room or as a great accent
color. Flat, lacquer or satin finish? Plum can be great in all 3
types of finishes.

Here, a muted plum color is paired with grey
for a very chic and refined palette.

Rococo furniture? No problem. You can
pair plum with it as well.

This entire living room is colored in a deep
plum color. The shiny and mirrored finishes
give the room a level of sophistication and luxe.

Here it is as an accent color in a very modern
room. As you can see, plum can go very well
with a bright pop of yellow. Who'd of thought?

This whole entire home has plum and yellow
accents. It's a lot of fun!

And here we are in the same home - in the
living room. Plum and yellow accents all around.
The yellow really makes the plums stand out more.

This shade of plum has some burgundy in it.
It's a surprising choice of color for an entry
room but it's rich and very nice.

Plum and brown - also a nice combination.

A rich dose of plum for the bedding anchors this
colorful and eclectic room.

Plum on the walls, plum for the accents...
Why not indeed?

Somehow, this matte purple paint goes wonderfully
with the neutral whites, linens and beiges in this room.

Plum accents galore...

What do you think? Beautiful color? Too dull? Too feminine?
Or can it be a unisex color? Now one thing that I haven't seen
is a Plum colored kitchen to go with those Sugar Plum cookies...
That would be interesting.

Photos from Domino, Elle Decor,
Trine Thorsen, Amanda Nisbet