Outdoor Spaces for Lounging

Posted by uud on 12:00 AM

We had gorgeous weather over the weekend in San Francisco,
but yesterday and today have actually been hot and humid which
is a rarity in San Francisco. Everyone has been breaking out their
sandals, shorts and flip flops. I live in one of the coldest areas of
San Francisco and I haven't been able to sleep because it's been so
hot the last couple of days. The weather inspired me to do a post
on outdoor spaces for lounging.

By nature, I love warm weather and actually really miss hot weather.
I can deal much better with heat than I can the cold. To me, no outdoor
living area is complete without a place to lounge by one's self, or to hang
out with family and friends. As you can see from the above photo, you
do not necessarily need a lot of space to make a fun and gorgeous lounging
area. The striped cloth really give the area a chic and polished look.

The above image is from the Feb/March 2009 issue
of Western Interiors (image from Katiedid.) It's got Moroccan
inspired accents (which I adore) with a modern twist. The lamps
and coffee table are absolutely gorgeous.

Here's a lovely deck with a gorgeous view of the
San Francisco skyline. The red striped chairs really
give a splash of color to liven up the deck.

A casually draped canopy can really cozy up an
outdoor space. The deck above is wonderfully
casual with great views below.

Here's some inspiration for those who have a more
modern sort of sensibility for their style. The rug,
throws and bright pink really give this rooftop deck
some pizazz.

I really love this Moroccan inspired outdoor space. The vibrant
colors and beautiful arches really add to the overall feel of the
space. Moroccan design is low to the ground and the sofas deep -
which make it ideal for lounging.

Another U-shaped lounging area. U-shaped space plans are
really great for saving space and utilizing all the space you have
if you don't have a large area to work with.

From the deck of La Maison Bleu on the beautiful island
of Mauritius. Classic island design for the railing. Talk about
a relaxing and gorgeous atmosphere!

I've always thought that the Lake Palace in India was a palace
that was made of dreams. Every bit of the palace is gorgeous
including all of the details of the architecture and especially the
outdoor spaces.

Outdoor Rooms II: More Designs for Porches,
Terraces, Decks and Gazebos

This book has gorgeous photos for inspiration
and to gaze at. It also has a images of how
architecture and play large role in bringing
the outside in.

Outdoor Rooms: Fresh Air
Kitchens and Living Areas

Fresh Air Living spaces is such a great description
of what outdoor spaces really embody. Chic ideas
for dining and living outdoors.

Country Living Easy Transformations: Makeovers
for Your Outdoor Spaces - Backyards, Decks, Patios,
Porches and Terraces

Here's a great book for a country, garden or more rustic
take on outdoor living spaces. Again, gorgeous ideas
and spaces.

I hope this post has inspired you to get ready
for some summer outdoor living!