Perspective Photography - Part II

Posted by uud on 12:30 AM

A little while ago, I did a post on fun photographs that
showed how simply framing a photograph can give vastly
different perspectives. Here are some more that I think
are fun.

I'm positive this photo was not set up or posed for.
The woman is in mid-stride. What a clever photo.

I know I've taken my share of silly photos but I never
thought to take one like this. It's quite funny.

This one is really well done. The fingers look positively
gargantuan compared to the lady's head. The woman's
expression is perfect for this photo.

What is that bird poop for the eyes?

So instead of birds resting on the electrical wires, it's planes
resting on electrical wires...It took me a moment to realize
what this photo was capturing.

Perfect spot, perfect moment.

This one is so funny. The man's expression
happens to look so grumpy - it's absolutely
perfect for the photo.

#1 indeed.

I wonder how this photo was taken.
Her fingers are nearly touching the
lens and she's obviously in motion.
Very cool.

Ok, not quite as clever but still fun.

I really liked this one with the clouds being blown out of
the statue's trumpet. Such a beautiful blue sky too.

I just thought this picture was so cute. It's not
every day you get kicked in the arse by a mannequin.

Do you have any photos like this? Here's one of mine from
a while ago in Taipei. I'm not very creative about these sort
of photos so my friend helped me to stage this one. As for
the outfit, not sure what I was thinking - a newsboy?

Happy Friday everyone.

Photos from Interesno.