The Allure and Mystery of Silhouettes

Posted by uud on 1:30 AM

I've always loved silhouettes. Whether it be in
a cut out, a cameo brooch or a photograph. I've
always found the shapes alluring and mysterious
since silhouettes only show profiles or outlines.

I love the cut out silhouettes above - especially
the ones with plaid in frames. It's a really fun

Silhouettes in a lovely inspiration board.

A series of framed furniture silhouettes
can be very elegant in a group.

This is a unique silhouette near the hem
of a woman's pants.

I love this grouping of silhouettes on the wall.

Cameos and silhouettes as jewelry are just
as lovely.

You can't really go wrong with a pink and
black combination for color. What fun fabric!

Wallpaper with silhouettes galore. I totally
want Barbara Barry's chair silhouettes.

Many silhouettes are only busts but there are some really
neat silhouettes above that are of a whole person or people

Barbara Barry chair silhouette plates with more traditional
silhouette plates.

The silhouette of a woman is cleverly placed
on the back of this chair.

What do you think of silhouettes? Do you like
them or hate them?

All photos from Country Living.