My Obsession with Military Jackets and Coats
I have a total obsession with military styled jackets and coats.
I think they are incredibly stylish and cool looking on men and
on women. The above is vintage leather military styled jacket.
It's gorgeous isn't it?
Recently in Instyle Magazine, there was a photo shoot for
the Twilight cast and I was totally drooling over the boots
and the jacket on Kristen Stewart in the bottom left hand
The jacket she is wearing is actually
by Wunderkind.
I also shop on Ebay and there proves to
be quite a variety of military styled
Here's an interesting short but assymetrical one.
Here's a very cool white one, you don't often
see military styled jackets and coats in white.
The left is by St. John's and the left jacket is by Bebe.
Forever 21 $42.80 and $32.80 respectively.
And one of my favorite stores of all kind is Forever 21 with their ultra
inexpensive clothing. Inexpensive, but fashionable and made decently.
I used to shop at Charlotte Russe until the quality of their clothing went
way down. I'm not buying something I can only wear twice before it
falls apart no matter how cheap it is. The coats above are made of
very warm blend of wool and fleece.
Forever 21 - The Eva Coat for $35.80.
Forever 21 $39.80.
Lately plaid and tartan has been all the rage and
the left one is a fun military styled plaid jacket.
How about a throw back from the 80s when assymetry was really in
for blazers? Forever 21 $32.80.
Here's a mariner's version of that military assymetric blazer.
I don't think military styled jackets ever go out of style.
The blazer on the left is from Marc Jacobs. The left is
Here's Kate Moss wearing and interesting and eclectic short coat
from Top Shop in UK. To the right is a corduroy coat.
The left coat is actually for a man, but if cut slim for a woman's body -
there is no reason why the same design wouldn't work for a woman.
Different ways you can wear military
styled coats. They really all look good.
This coat is found on Ebay.
I recently bought this one from Forever 21 - it reminds me of a
somewhat futuristic admiral's coat. Not sure why I'm so drawn
to assyemtry. $49.80.
Found this vintage one on Ebay and thought
the embellishments were so fun.
Miss Alice Temperly of London designed this dress
that really looks like an admiral's coat. Love the thigh
high boots.
I think the cuffs and belt on the coat make it look more military in style.
Men look great in military style jackets. Very smart!
David Tennant (the very popular British actor who
played 3 seasons of the new Dr. Who.)
Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed the post although it's
a bit of a deviation from design and decor. I have many
many obsessions and fashion is another one.
Have a great weekend!
Photos from Forever 21 and Ebay.